Englewood Environmental Trail
Jan 19, 2021 12:00 PM
Dr. Mike Passow
Englewood Environmental Trail
Dr. Mike Passow has been an Englewood resident since September 1954, when he started 1st grade at Roosevelt School. He is a career science educator, teaching 44 years in middle school, high school, and college classrooms, finishing his career at Dwight Morrow High School.
Mike is associated with the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, where he organizes the "Earth2Class Workshops. He has been a member of the Englewood Environmental Commission, and serves on the Board of the Flat Rock Brook Nature Association and West Side Infant Day Care Center. In his spare time, he travels to Brazil and is an avid kayaker.
The Englewood Environmental Trail consists of 15 signs erected around our City that provide information about the geological and social history of Englewood and vicinity. It was originally posted as an educational project of the Englewood Environmental Commission, and supported in part by the Association of New Jersey Environmental Commissions (ANJEC). This talk supports Rotary's new Area of Focus, "Supporting the Environment."